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Galactic API

SharePointClientGetListByTitle Method

Populates a SharePointList object from the contents of SharePoint List with the supplied title on the server.

Namespace:  Galactic.SharePoint
Assembly:  Galactic.SharePoint (in Galactic.SharePoint.dll) Version: (
public SharePointList GetListByTitle(
	string title,
	string camlQuery = "<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' /></OrderBy></Query></View>"


Type: SystemString
The title of the list with the list items to retrieve.
camlQuery (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Optional: The XML representing the CAML query you'd like to make of the list items in the list. If not supplied, all items will be retrieved.

Return Value

Type: SharePointList
A SharePointList representing the list on the server, or null if the list could not be found, the user does not have sufficient permissions to access the list, or list's contents could otherwise not be retrieved.
See Also